Bee Kept Bootcamp


Learn how to Bee Kept by bees by using natural and sustainable methods of beekeeping. Individuals will learn how to trap honey bee swarms, explore horizontal hives, and participate in hive inspections. Please read Class Description for more details.

Have you always wanted to keep bees but don’t know where to start? Have you started keeping bees in the “normal” way and thought there must be a better way?!  Then this is the perfect class for you! The Bee Kept Bootcamp is a class on how to keep bees naturally and sustainably, utilizing swarm trapping techniques, and keeping bees in horizontal hives. Learn in-depth what type of trap to use, how to set up the trap, how to capture a feral swarm, and how to transfer a swarm catch to a horizontal hive. Everyone will take part in a hive inspection, look at how the hive is organized, and learn what to look for when you pull out a frame of bees. Beekeeping tools are important so you will learn how to use the tools required for a hive inspection. In addition, you will learn about various beekeeping tasks and seasonal inspections.

Class duration 5.0 hours.  2 hours of Instruction, 30 minute Lecture lunch, and then 3 hours of Hands-on experience.  Students are expected to bring their own lunch.

Please bring protective equipment such as a bee jacket and veil. At minimum, light colored long sleeves, and a veil. Glasses and a hat are recommended as well.

Class minimum 4 people.  Class maximum 10 people.

Classes are in Culleoka, Tennessee.

Classes will be held rain or shine unless there is inclement weather or low temperatures.  Classes cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled.

Refunds not available.


Saturday March 1, 10:30am, Saturday March 8, 10:30am, Saturday March 15, 10:30am, Saturday March 22, 10:30am, Saturday March 29, 10:30am, Saturday April 5, 10:30am, Saturday April 12, 10:30am, Saturday April 19, 10:30am, Saturday April 26, 10:30am

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